
Rocks - and what they teach us

The big bang pattern, that initial point of impact, is not just something that occurs at the massive scale of the universe but is repeated infinitely in all its lands and parts.

Many creation stories refer to this point of impact, often represented by a stone at the centre of the place and story.

Uluru is the stone at the centre of this continent's story, a pattern repeated in the interconnected and diverse stories of many smaller regions, reflected in our own bodies at the navel and then down into smaller and smaller parts at the quantum level of our cosmology. In this way of knowing, there is no difference between you, a stone, a tree or a traffic light. All contain knowledge, story, pattern. To sit with this story, to discern the pattern, we need to begin by examining rocks.

It would be unhelpful to say, 'Granite is an igneous crystalline mix of quartz, mica and feldspar. It would also be unhelpful to waft around in a tie-dyed shirt hugging the rocks and asking them to divulge their secrets by communing with us through our navel piercings. You have to show patience and respect, come in from the side, sit awhile and wait to be invited in. So we might do some more sand talk first, before we get to the business of rocks and who is allowed to know about them, and how that knowledge might help us to survive today.

Sand talk by Tyson Yunkaporta