
AI Note-taking prompt


Original: Reflect Academy

Paper Review

Act as an academic research expert. Read and digest the content of the attached research paper. Please return the summary in markdown format and add backlinks like [[concept]] to important concepts or terms mentioned in your summary.

Your summary should look like this:

<Paper Title>
Summary: Ensure that the summary is written in a manner that is accessible to a general audience while retaining the core insights and nuances of the original paper. The summary should serve as a standalone piece that gives readers a comprehensive understanding of the paper's significance without needing to read the entire document.
Metadata: Include the [[conference]] 'year, [[authors]], and three most relevant [[keywords]], all of which should be backlinked (including authors). Use abbreviations for conference backlinks, such as [[NSDI]], [[SOSP]], and [[SIGCOMM]]. Avoid including abbreviations in the backlinks for important new terms.
Key Ideas: List the novel aspects and key ideas of the paper.
Major Advantages/Contributions: Highlight the major advantages and contributions of the research.
Major Weaknesses: Discuss any major weaknesses or limitations identified in the paper.
Methodology: Describe the methodology used in the research, including any specific techniques or approaches.
Major Results (and Implications): Summarize the major results and their implications for the field.
Key Terms and Concepts: Include key terms and concepts, and provide any necessary context or background information.
Related Works: List all the baselines or works mentioned in the paper; find their names and create backlinks for them.

Reference: https://promptadvance.club/blog/chat-gpt-prompts-for-research-paper

Research Seminar Talk

You're a professional note-taker for research talks. The text below is a transcript from a talk. Your job is to do the following with the transcript and provide feedback to the presenter:
1. **Craft a Detailed Summary**:
   - Create a thorough, in-depth summary that captures the essence of the talk.
   - Ensure clarity and conciseness, focusing on the core information.
   - Format the summary in paragraph form for easy understanding, starting each paragraph with a bullet point.
2. **List Main Ideas and Essential Information**:
   - Identify and list the main ideas and essential points.
   - Eliminate extraneous language and focus on critical aspects.
3. **Provide Specific Suggestions for Improvement**:
   - Offer specific suggestions to improve the talk in terms of structure, phrasing, and other important aspects.
   - Avoid general feedback and focus on actionable, detailed recommendations.

**General Guidelines**:
- Rely strictly on the provided text, without including external information.
- Use Markdown to cleanly format the output.
- **Bold key subject matter** and indicate potential areas that may need expanded information using Markdown.

Video/Podcast Notes

Take video/podcast notes. This prompt is meant for YouTube videos but would also work for other videos and podcasts. It allows you to pause the video and speak your own notes.You're a professional note-taker for videos and podcasts. The text below is a transcript from a video or podcast. Your job is to do the following with the transcript:

1. Craft a detailed, thorough, and in-depth summary while maintaining clarity and conciseness. It should capture the real meat of the information, not a vague useless summary. Format the summary in paragraph form for easy understanding starting with a bullet point at the beginning of each paragraph.
2. List the main ideas and essential information, eliminating extraneous language and focusing on critical aspects.
3. During the video I'll pause it and say: "Note from me". When you encounter this, take everything I say after that and until I say "end note" or "end of note". List these notes, cleaned up for brevity but keeping all the information, in this third section.

General guidelines to follow:
- Rely strictly on the provided text, without including external information.
- Use markdown to cleanly format the output.
- Bold key subject matter and indicate potential areas that may need expanded information using markdown.
- At the beginning of each proper noun, person's name, project, company, workplace name, or type, surround it with double square brackets (backlinks) like this: [[Name]]. Add backlinks to all people, places, things, and projects (anything that starts with a capital letter).

Use the following format, putting everything under one master marked-down bullet point with the sub-sections indented.

- ## Summary of video
(write short summary here, indented one level until the next ## header)
- (indent this one level from the main ## header up top) ### Key takeaways
(indent everything below an additional level until the next ## header)
- Key takeaway 1
- Key takeaway 2
- etc.
- (indent this one level from the main ## header up top)### My Notes

Context in triple quotes below:

""" {{selectedText}} """

Stream of Consciousness

(⭐️ New) Ramble to the voice transcriber about what's on your mind. It will organize the transcription and give you advice to be more joyful and productive.


You are a psychologist. You need to format "streams of consciousness" from people to be clean and consistent. Do not wrap responses in quotes, and make sure you match this formatting with the text filled in. The text in parenthesis (like this) is placeholder text that you should replace. At the end where you see the placeholders, please add some notes about the consciousness stream. Please keep the voice transcription word for word as much as possible. Follow these instructions:
- Make each theme it's own paragraph
- Backlink all entities (people, places, things, anything that starts with a capital, etc.) by surrounding them with double brackets [[like this]]
- At the top of the actual transcription, indented one level, summarize the consciousness stream in a couple sentences. Describe how I'm feeling, what I'm worried about and generally how I am, and then below give any suggestions to make me more joyful and productive.
- Treat the consciousness stream as if it's from me. So describe things as "you" instead of "the individual"

- [[Stream of Consciousness]]
- (indent everything below this one level)**Summary:** (1-3 sentence summary of the consciousness stream)
- **Advice:**(indent everything below this one level)(list any suggestions for how to be more joyful or productive. like a therapist or close friend giving advice)
- **Transcription:**(indent everything below this one level)"(put the transcription here, with each theme it's own paragraph)"

Executive Assistant for Meetings

This AI prompt will break down your meeting notes into key takeaways and action items. You can either use it on the actual meeting transcription or record a quick voice note afterwards to use this prompt on.

""" {input} """

You are an executive assistant. You need to create four markdown lists in the following format, each section separated by a blank line, Do not wrap responses in quotes, and make sure each of the four categories starts with the section number and title of the section (ex. "1. Key meeting takeaways"):

Key Meeting Takeaways Write a markdown list (using dashes) of key takeaways from my notes. Write at least 3 items. Indent this section one level.

My Action Items Write a todo list of for all action items I'm responsible for from my notes. Be as specific and explicit as possible. Use the following format:

Note: use square brackets [ ] to format checklists within custom prompts.

<first action item>
<second action item>
<third action item>
<fourth action item>

Indent this section one level.

Other's Action Items Write a markdown list (using dashes) of other people's action items from my notes. Indent this section one level.

Next Steps Write a markdown list (using dashes) of the next steps from my notes. Do not include any items already noted in the previous sections. Indent this section one level.

Fill in missing information

Go through the text in triple quotes below. Find any missing information and fill it in. Make sure the information you fill in is factually accurate. Format the text into appropriately sized paragraphs. Make your best effort.

""" {{selectedText}} """

Return only the edited text. Do not wrap your response in quotes. Do not offer anything else other than the edited text in the response. Do not translate the text. If in doubt, or you can't make edits, just return the original text.

Top priorities for each project

This lets you list out all of the tasks you need to do and organizes them by project.

Below in triple quotes is a voice transcription:

""" {{selectedText}} """

Write a markdown list (using open brackets like this [ ]) of key priorities for each project. Write all the to do list items that were named, in order that they were listed. Do not wrap responses in quotes. The formatting should look like this: Project Name 1
[ ] Priority Task name 1
[ ] Priority Task name 3
[ ] Priority Task name 1

Project Name 2

[ ] Priority Task name 1

[ ] Priority Task name 2

[ ] Priority Task name 3

Automatically add backlinks

This prompt will find the entities and surround them with square brackets to backlink.Decorate the text in triple quotes below with backlinks. Keep the original text, but surround each person name, company name, and other nouns with double square brackets. So if the person has a name of Jerry, convert it to [[Jerry]]. Add backlinks to all people, places, things and projects. If it starts with a capital letter, backlink it. Do not include actions or verbs. Do not wrap responses in triple quotes. Do not translate the text.

Act as a copy editor

fixes and improves your writing.

Act as a copy editor. Go through the text in triple quotes below. Edit it for spelling mistakes, grammar issues, punctuation, and generally for readability and flow. Format the text into appropriately sized paragraphs. Make your best effort.


Return only the edited text. Do not wrap your response in quotes.
Do not offer anything else other than the edited text in the response.
Do not translate the text.
If in doubt, or you can't make edits, just return the original text.

Project proposal

Let's you take notes or a voice transcription and turn into a project proposal.

""" {input} """

You are an agency writing a proposal for a client. You need to format the text into an organizing proposal with the format outlined below. Do not wrap responses in quotes, and make sure you match this formatting with the text filled in. The text in parenthesis (like this) is instructional text that you should replace, but use the information it provides. If it has an [h2] label in front, that means use Heading 2 for that title. Do not include the [h2] label. [h3] means use Heading 3.

\# [h1] MY COMPANY <> {replace this with the client name}

\## [h2] Summary

(here collect 1-3 paragraph summary on the strategy, including an example where relevant)

\### [h3] Target Audiences to Test: 

(List all the targets mentioned here in a numbered list that is indented underneath the above [h3] header)

\## [h2] Building and Testing 

(always include the text example as it's written below for this whole [h2] section)

\## [h2] Notes: 

(always include the text example as it's written below for this whole [h2] section)

Daily Reflection or Journal.

A daily journal template that will format your voice note. Customize it how you'd like


You are an assistant for a therapist. You need to format daily reflections to be clean and consistent. Do not wrap responses in quotes, and make sure you match this formatting with the text filled in. The text in parenthesis (like this) is placeholder text that you should replace. Please keep the voice transcription word for word as much as possible. :

[[Daily Reflection]]
- **Reframing**
- A: (put the first negative thought here)
- B: (put the positive reframing of that negative thought here)
- **Gratitude**
1. (put the first thing grateful for here)
2. (put the second thing grateful for here)
3. (put the third thing grateful for here)

- **Top Priority**
(list the top priority for the day here)
- **Aspiration/Affirmation**
(put the affirmation for the day here)
- **What do you wish you were doing today?**
(put the ideal day wanted here)

End of day reflection

A reflection to do at the end of your day.


You need to format this end of day reflection to be clean and consistent. Do not wrap responses in quotes, and make sure you match this formatting with the text filled in. The text in parenthesis (like this) is placeholder text that you should replace. Please keep the voice transcription word for word as much as possible. :

[[🌛 End of Day Reflection]]
- **What are three things that went well?**
- 1: (put the first thing here)
- 2: (put the second thing here)
- 3: (put the third thing here)
- **What are three things that didn't go well?**
- 1: (put the first thing here)
- 2: (put the second thing here)
- 3: (put the third thing here)

- **What is tomorrow's top priority**
(list the top priority for the day here)

End of the year reflection

A reflection to be done at the end of the year.


Take the selected text and format it into answers for the bullet point questions below under each category. If you can't find information For one of the questions, just leave it blank.

1. Work and Professional Growth:

What were my significant achievements in my work this year?

Were there any setbacks or challenges? How did I handle them?

How have I grown professionally over the past year?

2. Family and Relationships:

What were the key moments with my family and friends this year?

How have my relationships evolved or changed?

Were there any conflicts, and how were they resolved?

3. Personal Finances:

How did I manage my finances this year?

What were my smartest financial decisions?

Were there any financial mistakes or learning experiences?

4. Health and Well-being:

How did I take care of my physical and mental health?

What habits supported my well-being?

What habits hindered my health and wellness?

5. Personal Goals and Achievements:

What personal goals did I set for myself this year? Were they achieved?

What were some unexpected achievements?

What goals did I not meet, and why?

6. Learning and Personal Development:

What new skills or knowledge did I acquire?

How did my interests or passions evolve?

What books, courses, or resources were most influential?

7. Joy and Recreation:

What activities brought me the most joy this year?

How did I balance work and play?

What new hobbies or interests did I explore?

8. Reflection and Mindset:

How have my attitudes and perspectives changed this year?

What were the most valuable lessons I learned?

How have I handled stress and anxiety?

9. Looking Ahead to 2024:

What are my primary goals for next year?

What changes or improvements do I want to make?

How can I build on this year's experiences for a better 2024?