

https://github.com/nikitavoloboev/config cleanup non used and move it to config-test (push code there)

Below taken from todo.md

add zed config & keymap (symlink)

replace magefile.go with chezmoi + ts instead

remove install script too. ts instead

use nix

bin folder and bin/private folder is messy, should be done with nix

upload images that are in [images] to cloudflare and use links images.nikiv.dev/link.. to not fill git history with images

Old (probably not needed any more)

Create a ./install command that can be run from anywhere the dotfiles dir is on macOS

So you can even install dotfiles to /Desktop and then run ./install and it will magically work too and set the system up as I specified. Perhaps it would move the dotfiles to /.dotfiles on its own. Not sure what the correct Nix way to do this is.

Use Nix (home-manager/nix-darwin) instead Dotbot

nix dots:

Add installing of Xcode tools. Check if they are installed already.

xcode-select --install

Write a script to auto update Typinator sets / Import BTT settings

Specify in the script which sets from ~/Dropbox/Config/Typinator to move into this dir. BTT may also have ability to automatically export a profile

Create proper ./install or nix apply script

It should automatically install Nix on the system if it isn’t installed and then run the other necessary commands to get my system to the state I want it to be in.

Nix specify all the commands I use on my system. Nix/Rust/Go/NPM/..

Should all be specified neatly in nix.

Go: ~/go/bin

Rust: ~/.cargo/bin

NPM: /.npm-global/bin . NOTE: have to run npm set prefix /.npm-global first to set this location.

Symlink all the necessary configs

in dotbot it currently looks like this:

# Zsh
~/.zshrc: zsh/zshrc.zsh
# Git
~/.gitconfig: git/gitconfig
~/.gitignore_global: git/gitignore_global
# Hammerspoon
~/.hammerspoon: hammerspoon
# Sublime Text
"~/Library/Application Support/Sublime Text 3/Packages/User": sublime
# Neovim
~/.config/nvim: nvim
# VS Code
~/Library/Application Support/Code/User/settings.json: vscode/settings.json
~/Library/Application Support/Code/User/keybindings.json: vscode/keybindings.json

Setup and install secret configuration (Keybase)

Things like:

~/.ssh -> SSH config + certs

~/.wakatime.cfg -> WakaTime settings (API Key)

Perhaps I missed something else. Not sure what the best way to do that would be.

Keybase can be used for it I believe.

Grab preferences for some apps too on install

~/Library/Application Support -> holds app auxiliary files

~/Library/Preferences -> holds app preferences

~/Library/Fonts -> Custom fonts

~/Pictures/Photos Library -> Apple Photos (which should be iCloud synced so it shouldn’t matter)

The other parts too should be iCloud synced ideally.

Other things like Popclip and few other apps can be stored on Dropbox.

Migration assistant helps transfer files from one mac to another mac easily too. But ideally it should be avoided.

Clean vimrc. use lua for nvim

Remove everything i don’t use. Perhaps I only need to have init.vim in the repo. No ftplugin and autoload. Check!

Move functions & maybe aliases under go binary to speed up shell startup